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Interview Tips

Interviewing is often the most dreaded part of finding a job. Countless things can help or hurt the interview. These interviewing tips will open the door to success in finding a new job.

Step 1: Get ready to Start Interviewing

Some interviewing tips are needed before starting the interview process. Make sure the voicemail that potential employers reach when scheduling interviews is professional, and that it does not include music or children. Shop for appropriate clothing and play around with hairstyles and make-up. Purchase a neat looking folio to carry resume copies and notes to interviews.

Step 2: Mental Preparation for an Interview

First, study the resume that was submitted. Questions will be asked regarding its contents and the interviewee will need to answer them quickly and meaningfully. Applicants should research the company fully including size, mission, successes, and culture. Practice answering common interview questions and make a list of questions for the interviewer.

Step 3: Physical Preparation for an Interview

Drive to the location a day or so prior to the interview at the same time to not only find the location, but also avoid potential traffic issues. Dress appropriately and ensure that jewelry, makeup, and hair are not distracting. Tight fitting, short, or revealing clothing has no place in an interview. Avoid using any products with a strong smell to circumvent turning off a potential employer. Smokers should carry breath mints and a small can of fabric refresher in the car.

Step 4: Appropriate Interview Actions

Some interview tips include making eye contact with the interviewer and being mindful of negative body language such as crossing arms. Listen attentively to the questions asked to ensure that the proper responses are given. Ask for clarification before answering inappropriately. Always take notes during the conversation so that remembering everything is not necessary.

Step 5: Fielding Difficult or Illegal Questions

Many questions are not comfortable to answer such as those relating to long-term goals and salary. Other questions regarding children, religion, disability, and age violate discrimination laws. Some interview tips can help with this difficult situation. Remain calm and ask how it relates to the job. Then the interviewer’s concerns such as availability and moral concerns can be answered tactfully.

Step 6: Ending the Interview

Before leaving, make sure all important questions have been answered while still being mindful of time. Restate interest in the position and the company. Finally, ask for business cards of company contacts and clarify post-interview steps. A common misconception is that the interview ends in the office. Human resource consultants give interview tips such as sending follow-up letters which state interest in the position and highlight important accomplishments.

Proper preparation before an interview can make or break a great opportunity. Appropriate behavior during the interview enhances qualifications and builds a relationship. The most important thing to remember is exude confidence and a willingness to provide what the company needs.

How To Get A Job With No Experience

A lot of individuals worry that their lack of previous work experience will limit their ability to find a great job to start out their working career. While having work experience can be extremely helpful when it comes to finding a job, there are other characteristics that can help in this area also. Job applicants should not feel limited because of their lack of work experience, but instead should focus on the suggestions in this article that will help you to get a job with no experience.

Step 1: Be Open Minded and Optimistic

Limiting yourself to one specific job is a great way to set you up for a disappointment. Instead of being set on a specific job, or a certain type of work, you should remain open minded and available for any opportunities that come your way. Without having work experience it might be necessary to put forth a little more effort in finding a great job, which means you will need to stay optimistic and not get discouraged during the job search process. There are so many different kinds of job opportunities available that you will be able to find a great position with a little bit of effort.

Step 2: Crafting a Great Resume

Resumes are your first chance to make an impression on potential employers. Since you do not have relevant work experience to include on your resume, you will have to emphasize other areas to be able to compete against other candidates that do have experience in this area. For your resume, you should include a personal statement that mentions your dedication to finding a great job that you can excel in. You should also emphasize any impressive education achievements, skills, or other recognitions.

Step 3: Practice Interviewing Techniques

Interviews can be incredibly intimidating if you are unsure of what to expect. A lot of colleges and communities offer free resources to help individuals prepare for interviews. Interviewing preparatory programs help individuals perfect their interviewing techniques by letting them practice with mock interviews, and later receiving feedback on their interview performance. Mock interviews help individuals become familiar with the different kinds of interviews and the questions that potential employers might ask.

Step 4: Apply to the Right Positions

While you may be able to find advertisements for higher-level positions, your lack of work experience will probably not make you an ideal candidate for these kinds of jobs. Instead, apply to entry level positions that offer the possibility of advancement. Companies looking to fill entry-level jobs often times do not expect their applicants to have work experience and look for individuals who have other qualifications and characteristics that make them great candidates for these kinds of positions. Entry level positions offer great opportunities for advancement and are great ways to start a career.

If you are having a hard time finding work in the field you are interested in there are other ways to gain some background experience in the area that you are interested in. You can apply for internship or externships that can be paid or unpaid. Also, applying to work for a Temp Agency can help you to gain short-term experience in a position relevant to the kind of work you are trying to find. Other articles and tips on this site may provide further insight that can be helpful when seeking to get a job with no experience.

How To Get A Job Promotion

Tired of working really hard and not being recognized for your efforts? Nothing is more frustrating than putting forth your best work at your job without receiving any recognition for it. A lot of individuals in the workforce believe that it is not proper or acceptable for them to approach their boss to ask for a job promotion; however, in some situations this can be the only way to achieve the recognition for the work that they are putting forward. There are also a lot of other tactics that can help an individual receive a job promotion.

Step 1: Find a Job You Can Grow In

Some companies promise endless opportunities for growth when they hire new individuals to fill entry level positions. The only way to tell for certain is to conduct your own research. A lot of independent companies compare large corporations’ internal promotion rates against the amount of people they bring in from outside of the company to fill positions, and then publicize the results. If being promoted into higher positions is important for your career make sure you are working for a company that values internal promotions.

Step 2: Communicate

Talking with other workers on your level, your immediate superiors, and individuals in higher positions willing to offer suggestions is a great way to figure out how the promotion process in your particular company works. You can discover if promotions are more merit based or politically motivated. This will give you a good idea of how to develop a strategy for your own promotion plan. Asking about promotions can also make other individuals aware that you are interested in moving up in the company.

Step 3: Finding Mentors

In step 2, talking with individuals in higher positions was mentioned. On a more formal basis, when an individual in an upper-level position associates with younger employees it is known as mentoring. These kinds of formal relationships have been proven to be beneficial to younger, entry-level employees. The older, upper-level workers know how the company operates and can help to educate the younger employee, as well as work behind the scenes to help put in a good word during the promotion process. Employees can either find mentors on their own or use a company’s mentoring program.

Step 4: Do Your Best

Without performing in a way that meets or exceeds expectations, you should not expect to gain a promotion for your work. A lot of companies depend on performance reviews to help managers decide which employees should be considered for promotion. Your performance review should show that you have mastered the work that you are currently responsible for and that you are ready to take on more responsibility. It can even be a good idea to go out of your way to show your superiors how dedicated you are to your work by staying late, coming in early, volunteering for additional projects, and other things of this nature.

Once you have the performance to back up your bid for a promotion, the only thing left to do is to get noticed. Make sure your superior knows that you are available and interested in any promotions that come up. A lot of companies allow their employees to apply for promotions. If your employer does this then make sure that you are applying for every promotion you can.

How To Get A Job On A Cruise Ship

Many people dream about working on a cruise ship. Associates earn tax-free income while traveling to exotic places. This growing industry adds new jobs every year, and offers opportunities to college students and retirees as well as full time job seekers. Getting a cruise ship job can be tough for the unprepared job seeker. As three times more applications are received than positions available, use these starting points to learn how to get a job on a cruise ship.

Step 1: Research Life at Sea

Positions at sea are different from their land counterparts. For instance, a doctor must be prepared to handle any illness or emergency, as there is no hospital. All staff members are expected to exude happiness and good behavior, even when off duty. There are also many rules and regulations that must be followed. When thinking about how to get a job on a cruise ship, it is important to consider what life will be like away from home at sea. There are pros like free food and accommodations and cons like 14-hour working days and living in a small room with one or more roommates.

Step 2: Find out About the Types of Jobs Offered

When researching how to get a job on a cruise ship, it is important to look into all of the different jobs available. Remember, a cruise ship is like a self-contained city. This means that many of the jobs people work in the community on land will have a place on a cruise ship including babysitters, customer service professionals, comedians, nurses, hairdressers, and lifeguards. In addition, there are engine room and deck crew jobs. Determine what job type is most suitable and think about what is needed to land that job.

Step 3: Prepare a Resume

Dependability, excellent people skills, and the ability to speak more than one language are of the utmost importance to convey in a resume. Land experience in the position sought is always required. When thinking about how to get a job on a cruise ship, focus on any special skills or abilities. Always save the resume in a format like RTF that can be read by most text editors, as it will be submitted electronically in most cases.

Step 4: Contact a Recruiter

Recruiters are found online or by contacting cruise lines directly. Before an interview can take place, paperwork will need to be completed. Return the paperwork to the recruiter with a copy of the cover letter and resume, even if it was previously provided. Be prepared to discuss the cruise industry and the cruise line in an interview. Be enthusiastic, as this is expected on the job. The chosen applicants receive a letter with information about the ship, positions, and instructions for a medical exam.

Though this is a growing industry and new jobs are consistently offered, it is very difficult to get these jobs. Before applying, it is important to do as much research as possible on how to get a job on a cruise ship. Following these tips can give you a boost toward a career on the high seas.

How Not to Get a Job

While most job seekers are sincerely looking for work, there are some common errors that are made, and the surest way how not to get a job. When looking for employment, please avoid the following common blunders.

Mistake 1: Arriving Late and/or Unprepared for an Interview

One of the most serious mistakes and the most usual path down the road of how not to get a job is arriving at an interview late and/or unprepared. Most employers focus on time management and cost efficiency. Showing up late and unprepared for an interview just broke both of those cardinal rules.

Mistake 2: Falsifying Information on a Resume or Application

Another common mistake in judgment is to falsify information to inflate qualifications. Many job applicants feel that if they can ‘appear’ more qualified than they really are, their chances of getting a job will increase. Unfortunately for them, there is this invention called the telephone and those references and qualifications are easily verifiable.

Mistake 3: ‘Bad Mouthing’ Former Employers

While no one expects job applicants to have a perfectly unblemished work history, it is totally unnecessary to blame loss of previous employment on a former employer by making negative comments. Keep those thoughts to yourself and simply say something to the effect of “There was a conflict of interests.” Or “The drive was too long from my home.” Remember what your mother told you growing up, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

Mistake 4: Dressing Inappropriately

Another sure way how not to get a job is to dress inappropriately for the interview. A general rule of thumb is to dress business casual for a job interview. However, there may be times when that rule needs to be bent a bit. If an applicant is applying for a prestigious job on Wall Street, a suit and tie might be in order. Times have changed but dress codes are still fairly standard.

Mistake 5: Appearing ‘Cocky’

It is always best to be self-assured and knowledgeable, but there is often a fine line between self-assurance and cockiness. The surest way how not to get a job is to try to come across as more intelligent or knowledgeable than the interviewer. That puts the other person in defensive mode and his/her line of attack is usually the paper shredder, application, resume and all. Keep your words to a minimum, and again, listen to mom. Only speak when spoken to.

In the end, avoiding common mistakes might not land you that job, but making those mistakes is the surest way how not to get a job. Arrive on time and well prepared. Dress appropriately and be upbeat and positive even about that dreadful ex-employer who fired you. It doesn’t matter who was right and who was wrong. Negative comments will always reflect badly on you. Keep these common errors in mind and avoid them at all costs. Other resources on this site can help you with constructive advice on how to successfully get a job.

How to get a Job

How to get a Job
In today’s market, it is becoming more and more competitive to vie for the jobs that are available. As a result, the most prepared applicant (not necessarily most qualified) will often be successful. Luckily, it is possible to learn some common tips to follow as well as pitfalls to avoid when trying to land the ideal job. These tips will often be the same whether you are looking for full time employment in a professional field or as a part time holiday employee.

Step 1: Take Stock of Your Qualifications

The first step in getting a job is to know who you are, and just what it is that you have to offer. Take some time for introspection. Even if you know what field you are qualified to work in, what makes you more desirable than others for the job you are seeking? If you are simply looking for a job, any job, to make ends meet or to subsidize current income, try to figure out exactly what is it that you are good at. Knowing who you are and what you have to offer will give you the competitive edge since a job seeker with self confidence is always viewed favorably.

Step 2: Where to Look for Job Openings

Once you have determined what your qualifications are and what types of jobs you are qualified to do, it is time to actually begin searching. Explore every avenue available to you. Don’t limit yourself to the employment listings in your local newspaper’s help wanted section. Check out local employment agencies and your state’s department of labor. Embark on a full scale networking campaign with others in the field you are looking to find work in. Learn how to search online jobsites and even where to find the best job search engines. This is the age of the information superhighway and the internet can be your number one ally in seeking out the perfect job.

Step 3: Learn How to Apply for a Job

Applying for a job is so much more than simply filling out an application and waiting for a callback. It begins with lining up your credentials and formatting a resume. Even job applicants looking for part time work in a seasonal capacity can benefit from being prepared when submitting an application. Knowing how to highlight your qualifications is crucial to a successful job search. From the letter of introduction attached to your resume to filling out the job application it is important that you know how to proceed. Learn techniques to help you interview well and common pitfalls to avoid. And finally, understand that the job search doesn’t end with the interview. There are further steps you can take.

Once you fully understand how to get a job, the actual search will not be very traumatic. Many people spin their wheels in a futile attempt because they did not take the time to plot out a map. Successful job applicants will know who they are and just what it is they have to offer. They will know how to put ‘the best foot forward’ and arm themselves to battle the competition. Looking for a job begins prior to the actual search and ends after the interview. Tools and tips for landing the ideal job are provided on this site to help honest job seekers gain the competitive edge.

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