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How To Get A Job On A Cruise Ship

Many people dream about working on a cruise ship. Associates earn tax-free income while traveling to exotic places. This growing industry adds new jobs every year, and offers opportunities to college students and retirees as well as full time job seekers. Getting a cruise ship job can be tough for the unprepared job seeker. As three times more applications are received than positions available, use these starting points to learn how to get a job on a cruise ship.

Step 1: Research Life at Sea

Positions at sea are different from their land counterparts. For instance, a doctor must be prepared to handle any illness or emergency, as there is no hospital. All staff members are expected to exude happiness and good behavior, even when off duty. There are also many rules and regulations that must be followed. When thinking about how to get a job on a cruise ship, it is important to consider what life will be like away from home at sea. There are pros like free food and accommodations and cons like 14-hour working days and living in a small room with one or more roommates.

Step 2: Find out About the Types of Jobs Offered

When researching how to get a job on a cruise ship, it is important to look into all of the different jobs available. Remember, a cruise ship is like a self-contained city. This means that many of the jobs people work in the community on land will have a place on a cruise ship including babysitters, customer service professionals, comedians, nurses, hairdressers, and lifeguards. In addition, there are engine room and deck crew jobs. Determine what job type is most suitable and think about what is needed to land that job.

Step 3: Prepare a Resume

Dependability, excellent people skills, and the ability to speak more than one language are of the utmost importance to convey in a resume. Land experience in the position sought is always required. When thinking about how to get a job on a cruise ship, focus on any special skills or abilities. Always save the resume in a format like RTF that can be read by most text editors, as it will be submitted electronically in most cases.

Step 4: Contact a Recruiter

Recruiters are found online or by contacting cruise lines directly. Before an interview can take place, paperwork will need to be completed. Return the paperwork to the recruiter with a copy of the cover letter and resume, even if it was previously provided. Be prepared to discuss the cruise industry and the cruise line in an interview. Be enthusiastic, as this is expected on the job. The chosen applicants receive a letter with information about the ship, positions, and instructions for a medical exam.

Though this is a growing industry and new jobs are consistently offered, it is very difficult to get these jobs. Before applying, it is important to do as much research as possible on how to get a job on a cruise ship. Following these tips can give you a boost toward a career on the high seas.